How to Stop Sponsored Ads On Facebook

How To Stop Sponsored Ads On Facebook: For advertisers, Facebook can be a dream come to life. Millions of users voluntarily offer up individual information regarding themselves, including their likes, dislikes and favorite products, indicating Facebook has the unique benefit of offering advertisers with targeted information. Nevertheless, for Facebook customers, ads can be an irritating interruption as well as could also feel like an invasion of privacy. While it is not possible to completely switch off ads on Facebook, customers can control certain aspects of Facebook advertising to better control their personal details.

How To Stop Sponsored Ads On Facebook

Step 1: Log into your Facebook account.

Action 2: Click "Account" after that "Account Settings" Select the "Facebook Ads" tab. Click "Edit social ads setting" When you "like" an ad on Facebook, it can then inhabit in your friends' profiles-- showing your "like" as well as possibly your profile photos. Shut off social sharing by choosing "No one" from the drop-down menu alongside "Pair my social actions with ads for"

Action 3: Click "Account" then "Privacy Settings" Select "Edit your settings" under "Apps and Websites" from the bottom left of the web page. Select "Edit Settings" alongside "Instant Personalization" This function of Facebook permits other websites to access several of your profile to target details to you. Switch off this setting by unchecking the box next to "Enable instant personalization on partner sites" Click "Confirm".