Delete Video From Facebook

Delete Video From Facebook - Couple of years back I wrote a message regarding how you can eliminate a link or video clip from your facebook wall. That approach is now deprecated nevertheless as facebook has advanced alot now. So lets see whats the brand-new methos to find and then remove the shared web links and also videos from your facebook account.

Facebook permits the individuals to upload web links, pictures and videos on their timeline as well as they can be easily gotten rid of too. They can either be published directly to the facebook server, shared from various other sites or merely shared from other users accounts. The problem with this sharing is that occasionally it ends up being hard to find and handle what you shared as well as if you assume it had not been meant to be there.

Delete Video From Facebook

Erase shared links/ video clips from Facebook Wall
In this blog post we will go over ways to find your common content (images, links, videos, etc) easily in an orderly means and after that erase anything you want out of them.

1. Login to your Facebook account
Goto and also login to your facebook account to goto your homepage.

2. Goto Activity Log of your facebook profile
Thats right, facebook maintains a log of your activities on your account! Well we shall review the conspiracy theory theories some other day though, lets simply concentrate on hiding (not eliminating imho as facebook would certainly never allow your document vanish for their "functions") the message which you shared.

So on top right corner of your facebook account click on the arrow which you utilize to see the drop down that allows you select the logout button. Because fall, rather than logging out, click "activity log".

This will take you to the task log section of your facebook account.

3. On Task Log web page
While you get on the task log web page, you will see all your tasks on facebook (yes those ones as well! 0_o) in a descending order by day as well as time which means the latest ones will certainly be first then the previous one and so on.

If you could discover your post which you need to conceal or remove/ get rid of from your facebook profile or your wall you could just remove it. However if you can't discover it you can either choose the moment from the time selection or else chose the group of the message from the left column. (You may have to click "even more" to see videos and different other sorts of facebook blog posts.

Upon clicking extra it will certainly show the listing of items to picked from that include video clips, information, games, and so on

Chose video clips from the left column if you want to get rid of videos you shared and after that you'll be shown the list of items you shared under that classification on your facebook wall.